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Cheap Car Insurance in Alexandria, VA

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Everything You Need to Know About Auto Insurance in Virginia

Founded in 1749, Alexandria is one of the oldest towns in the United States. Alexandria is bounded by the Potomac River on one side and Maryland on another. The Old Town district isn’t just historic; it is one of the very first neighborhoods to be formally identified as a historic district in the United States.

Due to its location in northern Virginia, the city of Alexandria is heavily influenced by its proximity to the U.S. capital. Many government workers choose to live in the city and commute to Washington, D.C. With so many drivers on the roads in Alexandria, accidents can happen. If you live or plan on traveling to Alexandria, be sure to see our guide on car insurance in Virginia.

How Much Does Car Insurance Cost in Alexandria, Virginia?

In Alexandria, on average, you will pay $119 each month for full coverage car insurance. This monthly rate is below the national average for full coverage. When it comes to paying less for car insurance, the minimum coverage required under the law is an option. This state-required minimum coverage will cost you approximately $51 per month. That rate is slightly higher than the national average of $47 monthly.

The higher cost of full coverage can be concerning for some people. However, paying less for your auto insurance also comes with some risks. If you only have the minimum coverage required by law, you could find yourself on the hook for much of the damage you cause in an accident.

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What Does it Mean if Virginia is an At-Fault State?

Virginia is what’s known as an “at-fault” state when it comes to auto insurance coverage. Like most of the states in the country, Virginia provides you with the ability to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against the other driver if they are at fault for your accident. This system offers you the best chance to recover the full value of your damages following a vehicle collision.

Not all states follow the at-fault approach. A small number of jurisdictions are “no-fault” states. In these states, you are required by law to seek compensation through your own insurance policy after an accident instead of suing the other driver. These policies typically do not cover all of the damages available in a personal injury case.

Affordable Car Insurance Rates Comparison by Cities in Virginia.

See our list below to learn more about average monthly car insurance prices in cities near Alexandria:

City Full Coverage Insurance Liability Insurance Coverage
Alexandria $119 $51
Chesapeake $113 $45
Newport News $114 $48
Norfolk $115 $46
Richmond $117 $47

Affordable Car Insurance Rates by Zip Code in Alexandria, VA

One of the factors that insurance companies take into account is the ZIP code where you live. This is because accidents occur more often in some ZIP codes than others. For that reason, you can face higher rates based on your ZIP code.

See our list below for average monthly car insurance prices by zip code in Alexandria:

Zip Code Full Coverage Insurance Liability Insurance Coverage
24701 $119 $51
22301 $119 $51
22312 $130 $55
22320 $133 $57
22334 $133 $57

Low-Cost Car Insurance Rates by Age in Alexandria, VA

Out of all of the factors that can impact the cost of your car insurance, your age is one of the most impactful. Young drivers face higher costs, due to a collective tendency to file more claims.

See our list below for average monthly car insurance prices by age in Alexandria:

Age Full Coverage Insurance Liability Insurance Coverage
Teenagers $441 $190
20s $331 $148
30s $133 $49
40s $122 $44
50s $111 $40
60s $107 $39
70s $120 $44

When determining the cost of car insurance, we use a set methodology to ensure our results are meaningful. We use the following method to arrive at our average cost: male driver, age 30, seeking the lowest possible legal coverage allowed by Virginia law. Your insurance premiums are based on different factors like your age, your gender, your claims history, and the extent of the insurance coverage you opt to purchase.

Driving Conditions in Alexandria, VA

How Many Fatal Accidents Happen in Alexandria?

There are fatal traffic accidents that occur each year in Alexandria. In 2021, the city saw its highest number of fatal accidents in recent years, with seven fatalities. This is nearly double the four traffic deaths that occurred in 2020. The number of traffic fatalities in Alexandria has been steady in recent years, with a total of 25 deaths occurring between 2017 and 2021.

How Are the Road Infrastructure and Bridges in Alexandria, VA?

Given its size, the City of Alexandria oversees a large number of road projects each year. These include repairs to the Van Dorn Bridge, additional bicycle parking, and updates to traffic control signal infrastructure. Each of these infrastructure improvement projects is detailed on the city website.

Alexandria has also been selected for certain federal grants designed to assist with improving highway and road safety in the city. These funds are provided to allow Alexandria to perform safety audits for the seven most dangerous intersections in the city. These intersections include:

  • South Van Dorn Street and South Pickett Street
  • South Van Dorn Street and Edsall Road
  • Seminary Road and Mark Center Avenue
  • Seminary Road and Kenmore Avenue/Library Lane
  • King Street and Dawes Avenue
  • King Street and 28th Street
  • King Street and Park Center Drive

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in Alexandria, Virginia

In Virginia, drivers are required by the Department of Motor Vehicles to maintain minimum financial responsibility for any accidents they cause. This is done by requiring drivers to carry coverage for both bodily injury and property damage losses. The minimum liability coverage needed according to state law includes the following:

  • $30,000 for bodily injuries or death for one person in a single accident
  • $60,000 for bodily injuries or death for multiple people in a single accident 
  • $20,000 for property damage

What Are the Penalties for Driving Without Insurance in Alexandria, VA?

If you are found to be driving without insurance coverage in Virginia, some consequences will come with a criminal conviction. This is true if you lack coverage entirely, or if you have insurance that does not meet the minimum standards set by law. These penalties include:

  • $600 noncompliance fee
  • Suspension of driving privileges
  • Suspension of license plates
  • Mandatory SR-22 coverage

Unlike some states, there is no risk of incarceration for driving without insurance in Virginia.

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Car Insurance Factors Allowed in Alexandria, VA

Every person receives a unique quote from insurance companies based on a wide range of factors. For that reason, two people of similar age could have drastically different insurance quotes when the other important factors vary. Some of the factors that the insurance companies are allowed to rely on include the following:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Accident history
  • Claims history
  • Marital status
  • ZIP code

Here’s What You Need to Know When Driving in Virginia

In many ways, driving in Virginia is like any other state. You must insure your vehicle, follow the rules of the road, and drive carefully. That said, some facts are important to keep in mind when you are behind the wheel in Virginia. These include:

  • Toll Roads. Virginia has a large number of toll roads and express lanes. Be prepared to pay when you get behind the wheel on certain roads, especially in Northern Virginia.
  • Unposted Speed Limits. Not every road in Virginia will have a posted speed limit. What you might not realize is that when a speed limit is not posted, the maximum speed is still controlled by law. If you are driving in a city, the unposted speed limit is 25 miles per hour. For highways, the unposted limit is 55 miles per hour.
  • No Shared Liability. In most states, you can recover some compensation for your injuries following an accident, even if you were partially to blame. In Virginia, you are barred from recovering anything from the other driver if you were even partially at fault.

Discounts for Car Insurance in Alexandria, VA

While the cost of car insurance might be daunting to you, the good news is that there are ways you can keep that expense down. The best tool for lowering your monthly premiums is by taking advantage of as many discounts as possible. These discounts come in different forms, but ensuring you get all that apply to you is the best option for saving money. Some of the most popular discounts include the following:

You can save money on your premiums by purchasing your different types of insurance from the same carrier. For example, you can get a discount by buying your home insurance as well as your auto insurance from the same insurer.


Get an Online Quote for Low-Cost Car Insurance in Alexandria, VA Today!

View of Alexandria, Virginia and the Potomac River

That concludes our comprehensive guide to car insurance in Alexandria, VA. The team at Freeway Insurance is ready to help you evaluate your options and get the best possible policy for you.

Reach out today to get a quote. You can contact us online for a quote, visit us at an office near you, or call us at (800) 777-5620 at your convenience.