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DUI Insurance — Getting Car Insurance After a DUI

By Erandi Garcia
May 04, 2022 | 3 min read
A young Caucasian driver who was just stopped for a DUI will need dui insurance.

When you get a DUI, you might think the world’s come to an end. Not only could you face jail time but you could also lose your car insurance coverage. Although a DUI is never a good thing, there are options for dealing with serious legal trouble and staying insured.

Can I Find Cheap DUI Insurance?

You can find car insurance after a DUI that you can afford. You will need to find an insurance company that will work with you to find DUI insurance that fits your needs and your budget. It’s important that you continue to carry car insurance, especially if you plan to continue driving. If you don’t carry the state-required minimum liability insurance, your state will find out and you’ll be dealing with even more legal issues.

What Will a DUI Do to My Auto Insurance?

In short, getting convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) will most likely result in an increase in your car insurance premiums – at least for awhile.

Your driving record plays a significant role in how much you spend on car insurance. From the insurer’s perspective, someone with a DUI is considered risky and therefore qualifies for high-risk car insurance. Some insurance companies will cancel your policy altogether, especially if you have more than one DUI on your record. However, if the insurance company decides to continue providing protection, you can anticipate higher premiums, especially if you need to have an SR-22 certificate on file with the state.

What is an SR-22 Certificate?

An SR-22 certificate is a form your insurance company will file with the state to let them know you are maintaining the legally-required amount of car insurance, generally liability insurance. A couple of things you should know about your SR-22 insurance:

  • You cannot file it on your own. An insurance company must file it for you.
  • If your coverage lapses during the time you are required to have an SR-22 on file, you will most likely have to start that time over. Typically, it is anywhere from 3-5 years, depending on the state and the severity of your conviction.
  • It costs around $25 for an insurance company to file your SR-22 for you
Looking in the mirror and seeing a police car

How Much Will My Car Insurance Go Up After a DUI?

It is usually a substantial amount – anywhere from 80 to 370 percent! It depends on what state you received your conviction in, as well as your insurance company. For this reason, shopping around and comparing auto insurance quotes is always a good idea.

Insurers look at the number of DUIs you’ve had, whether you caused an injury-related accident, and your specific policy. For the sake of example, look at the dollar amount increases in the following states for people convicted of a DUI.

  • Michigan — The average rate of car insurance in the state of Michigan is $2,368. For DUI insurance, the policyholder would see an increase of 249 percent, a $5,900 jump.
  • California — For insurance in this state, the average policy runs about $1,784. However, the car insurance after a DUI would increase 186 percent to $3,310.
  • New Jersey — In New Jersey, most people pay $1,419 for car insurance. Again, DUI insurance would increase that to $1,873, a 145 percent increase.

From these three examples, you can see that just one DUI conviction proves extremely costly from an insurance perspective. This doesn’t even take into account the other costs associated with a DUI – once you factor everything in, you could be looking at a grand total of up to $50,000 or more.

Do I Still Have to Buy Car Insurance After a DUI if I Don’t Own a Car?

If you’ve been told you need to file an SR-22 with the state after your DUI conviction, then yes, you will need to purchase car insurance whether you have a car or not. Fortunately, if you don’t own a car and you don’t live with someone who does, you will most likely qualify for non-owners SR-22 car insurance, which will be cheaper than regular car insurance.

Find Affordable DUI Insurance Online Today

If you choose to work with an online insurance company for DUI auto insurance, make sure to do your due diligence. In other words, verify it’s a company in good standing, provides the kind of assistance you need, and won’t charge you an outrageous price for coverage. No, a DUI is not good, but there are viable cheap DUI insurance options available.

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI and need DUI insurance, Freeway Insurance can help. Freeway specializes in providing affordable high-risk auto insurance to people who have tickets, accidents, a DUI, or who require an SR-22. Get a free high-risk auto insurance quote online or over the phone by calling 800-777-5620. You can also visit us in person at one of our many locations. Get started today!

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Luciana Barrera
Erandi Garcia
Senior Copywriter

Erandi García is a bilingual senior copywriter at Freeway. Her career has allowed her to explore the world through international publishing houses and marketing agencies. For this reason, she is very interested in writing stories and technical content that speak to cross-cultural audiences in need of insurance.