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Car Insurance Quotes for the Chevrolet Suburban

Are You Getting the Cheapest Car Insurance Available for a Chevrolet Suburban?

Illustration of Chevrolet-Suburban

How Much Is Car Insurance for the Chevrolet Suburban?

You’ll feel like royalty, cruising around town in your prince of a vehicle. When you ride in your Chevrolet Suburban, you’ll be sitting high up in comfort, with endless power at the tips of your toes. Getting a good auto insurance policy to protect yourself and your new wheels makes perfect sense, especially since you can get this coverage for $94 to $160 per month.

Exactly how much will your policy cost? That’s impossible to say without first reaching out to Freeway Insurance. An expert agent will discuss many details with you, from your vehicle type to your appetite for risk, and will help you obtain the cheapest car insurance based on your budget and personal preferences.

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Comparing Insurance Costs for the Chevrolet Suburban to Other Vehicles

If you ask a body shop owner how much it costs to replace your rear fender, one of the first questions they’ll ask you is what type of vehicle you’re looking to repair. That’s because the cost is different for every type of car. Insurers know this, and since they might be on the hook for repairing your vehicle after an accident, they factor in the repair costs of your specific make and model when determining your monthly premiums. That’s one of the reasons why no two car types have the same premium amount.

This table shows how different premiums can be for the Chevrolet Suburban compared to similar vehicles.

Make/Model Annual Full Coverage
Chevrolet Suburban $1,920
Cadillac Escalade $2,444
Lincoln Navigator $2,244
Toyota Sequoia $1,872

Types of Car Insurance Coverage for the Chevrolet Suburban

The type of car insurance coverage you obtain is another area that affects your premiums. You might want to get full protection for yourself and your Suburban, but that will cause your tab to increase. Or you might decide to get less coverage to save some money, which will also mean that you won’t have optimal protection. Here are the two most common options most drivers choose.

Full Coverage

Many people want the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their insurer will pay for damages to their vehicle whether they cause an accident, their car gets stolen or even if it gets destroyed in a flood. They want to know that if they or their passengers suffer bodily injury or if they cause bodily harm to others in a crash, the insurer will help to cover the medical bills. If you feel the same way, you should consider getting a full coverage policy. This plan costs an average of $160 per month and provides the highest level of protection insurers offer.

State Minimum Liability

Others prefer to pay as little as possible, even if it means forgoing those protections. They only want to get the lowest level of coverage required by law and hope they never cause a costly accident. If that mindset aligns more with your mentality, discuss minimum liability coverage with your agent. This type of policy gives you the minimum amount of protection required by your state and will only cost you about $94 per month. Many states don’t require you to obtain any personal injury protection, so if you cause an accident and get hurt, you’ll have to pay your medical bills on your own.

Individual Factors That Influence Pricing for the Suburban

The type of vehicle you drive and the type of insurance you choose are just a start. So much more goes into how insurers determine the cost of your policy. Here are some examples:

Rental Car Reimbursement

If you get into an accident and your car has to go to the shop, how will you get around? You can choose a feature that would pay for the cost of a rental car if your car is inoperable due to a crash, but choosing this feature will add to your monthly premium.

State Minimum Requirements

If you choose a state minimum liability policy, every state has its own basic requirements. One state might require you to obtain $30,000 of protection against bodily harm you might cause to others in a crash, while another requires $50,000. Insurers will charge higher premiums in states where the minimum requirements are stricter since they might have to pay out more.

Deductible Amount

If you get into an accident, you’ll have to pay a deductible — a predetermined amount that comes out of your pocket — before your insurer kicks in and pays their portion. Choosing a lower deductible will cause your premiums to increase because the insurer has more liability. So, if you choose a $500 deductible, you’ll pay more for your policy than if you choose a $1,000 deductible.

Car insurance quotes for the chevrolet suburban

How Does a DUI Affect Insurance Rates?

Nobody should ever get behind the wheel after having a few drinks. Drunk drivers are a danger to themselves, their passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers on the road. If you do drive while under the influence and get hit with a DUI, many insurers won’t want to insure you. The companies that do agree to sell you a policy will have to file an SR-22 certificate with the state to show that you have adequate coverage, and they will charge you significantly more than what you paid before you became a high-risk driver.

What Are Some Car Insurance Discounts for a Chevrolet Suburban?

Insurers offer reductions to your premium costs for various reasons. For example, drivers with clean records are less likely to get into accidents, so insurers offer them a safe driver discount. If you get your homeowners or renters coverage with the same company that provides your auto policy, you’ll likely get a multi-policy discount. Ask your agent about these because they can make a significant difference in your monthly tab.

Here are some more examples to discuss with your agent:

  • If you stick with the same insurer after your policy ends, they might offer you a retention discount.
  • Limit the number of miles you drive in a year, and you might be eligible for a low-mileage discount.
  • Taking a defensive driving course should make you a better driver and might get you a discount from your insurer.
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What Are Some of the Characteristics of the Chevrolet Suburban?

The Chevrolet Suburban is a full-size SUV that blends power with convenience and comfort. Wheel sizes on these nine-passenger behemoths are between 20 and 22 inches, and current models offer a 6.2-liter V8 engine. The Suburban has plenty of room for its riders and all their luggage, and seats can fold down to create more storage space in the back. Even older models provide a smooth, powerful, comfortable ride.


Find the Best Car Insurance Rates Online for the Chevrolet Suburban Today

Your Chevrolet Suburban is a fun ride, but you’ll enjoy it even more when you secure it with an affordable policy. Reach out to Freeway Insurance by calling 800-777-5620, get a quote for car insurance online, or stop by one of our locations. Our expert agents will review your options and help you get the most affordable coverage for your situation.

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