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Taking the Mystery Out of SR-22s

By Erandi Garcia
June 14, 2022 | 3 min read
A closed binder surrounded with several chains and an open padlock to illustrate how to unlock the mystery of an SR-22 proof of coverage

What is an SR22?

An SR-22 form is not an insurance policy; it’s simply a financial responsibility form proving that you have car insurance coverage. The SR-22 insurance is filed with your state by your insurance company and certifies that you carry the required minimum liability coverage on your car insurance policy. If you do not own a motor vehicle, you must purchase non-owners SR-22 liability coverage.

Do I Need an SR-22?

There are a variety of reasons that an SR-22 form may be required, including:

  • DUI or DWI convictions
  • Being found at-fault in an accident while driving uninsured
  • Driving with a suspended or revoked license
  • Several traffic infractions in a short period of time
  • Other major moving violations, such as reckless driving

An SR-22 requirement can be issued by the state or a judge and is usually required for three to five years.  

How Much Does SR-22 Form Cost?

It costs somewhere between $25 and $50 for your insurance company to file your SR-22 with the state. Because drivers who are required to file an SR-22 are considered high risk drivers, your actual car insurance may increase substantially. The average amount your car insurance could increase is around $72 percent.

Which Insurance Companies Offer SR-22?

You’ll need to find an insurer that offers car insurance to high-risk drivers. An SR-22 form requirement is a red flag to insurance companies. It tells them that you are a risky bet to insure. Insurance companies are betting that their policy holders will not require them to pay out large sums of money. Someone who has been convicted of DUI, for example, is a bad bet to them.

This means that you’ll have to shop around and find an insurance company that offers DUI insurance solutions. You will be able to find your SR-22 insurance, but you will be expected to pay more to get covered.

Insurance company helping man fill out his SR22 certificate of insurance

What Happens if I Let My SR-22 Lapse?

If you cancel or let your SR-22 insurance policy lapse, your insurance company is legally required to immediately notify the state that you are no longer covered and your SR-22 form will be withdrawn. If you plan to cancel your policy because you are changing insurance companies, make sure you have the new policy with an SR-22 in place before you cancel. Be aware, even a one day lapse in coverage can cause your SR-22 time period to start all over again.

How Do I Cancel My SR-22 Form?

Once your required SR-22 certificate time is up, you can let your insurance company know. Your insurance company will issue an SR-26 form to the state if you cancel your SR-22 policy. If this form is filed before your policy term and probationary period are over — implying you may be driving without meeting your financial obligation— the state may revoke your driving privileges.

However, if you have finished the term required by the state to carry SR-22 insurance, then you can cancel it. You’ll have to be in charge of this – the state and your insurance company are not going to be counting down the months until you can buy cheaper car insurance again. That’s up to you.

What is the Difference Between an FR-44 and an SR-22?

Used only in Virginia and Florida, the FR-44 is similar to the SR-22, and provides proof of financial responsibility. Unlike the SR-22, which only requires that drivers meet the minimum amount of required car insurance, the FR-44 requires that liability coverage limits are substantially greater than state minimums.

Convictions of violations involving driving with a suspended license or DUI (with or without injury) may result in requiring an FR-44.

Is FR-44 Coverage More Expensive?

Yes. Florida drivers who must file an FR-44 are required to carry a minimum of $50,000 for property damage coverage and $100,000/$300,000 for bodily injury coverage. Compare this to drivers without an FR-44 requirement – they’re required to carry only $10,000 of bodily injury and property damage coverage. You can be sure the higher limits will result in higher premiums. Once the probationary term has been successfully completed, an FR-46 form will be filed by the insurer. The FR-46 accomplishes the same purpose as the SR-26.

Find Low-Cost SR-22 Insurance Online Today

Freeway Insurance can help you file an SR-22 and obtain low-cost car insurance for high-risk drivers. Request a free car insurance quote online, or over the phone at 800-777-5620 to get started. You are also welcome to stop in one of our convenient locations.

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Luciana Barrera
Erandi Garcia
Senior Copywriter

Erandi García is a bilingual senior copywriter at Freeway. Her career has allowed her to explore the world through international publishing houses and marketing agencies. For this reason, she is very interested in writing stories and technical content that speak to cross-cultural audiences in need of insurance.