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Show Proof of Insurance Coverage with Your Smart Phone

By Erandi Garcia
July 08, 2023 | 3 min read

Technology is undoubtedly making our lives easier to manage. From booking plane or dinner reservations to paying bills, today’s generation of smartphones have applications for just about everything — including a user-friendly and convenient way to provide proof of insurance on phone.

The days of feverishly searching for that elusive piece of paper to show the (im)patient motorcycle law enforcement officer are numbered, as more insurance companies have started making electronic proof of insurance available from their mobile apps. This provides welcome relief to drivers that, in the past, had been faced with a court date or a fix-it ticket because they forgot to carry their proof of car insurance in their vehicle.

What Is Proof Of Insurance?

Proof of insurance is a document that confirms you have an active auto insurance policy. It’s a legal requirement for drivers to carry proof of insurance while driving a vehicle, since you may need to present it in various situations, from traffic stops to vehicle registrations and accident claims.

Back in the day, this meant keeping a paper copy of your insurance card in your glove compartment, but today in the United States, you can easily have your proof of insurance on your phone.

Many car insurance companies now offer mobile apps or digital insurance cards that can be easily accessed on your smartphone. These options are not only eco-friendly but also reduce the risk of losing or damaging the physical document. This means no more worrying about a crumpled paper card or hunting for it when you need it the most.

With just a few taps on your phone, you can display your electronic proof of insurance when needed, ensuring that you’re always compliant with the law.

What Does The Auto Insurance Card Include?

Your car insurance card includes essential information that both you and authorities need in case of emergencies or routine checks. The information may vary depending on the insurance provider, but in general, you are likely to find the following:

  • Name: Your insurance card will display your name, ensuring the policy is in your name and covers you.
  • Policy Number: This unique number identifies your specific insurance policy.
  • Effective and Expiration Dates: It’ll clearly state when your coverage begins and when it expires, so you always know you’re insured.
  • Insurance Company: It shows the insurance company’s name and address, making it easy to contact them if you have questions or need assistance.
  • Vehicle Information: Details such as the make, model, and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
  • NAIC: The NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) number or “Company Number.”

Types of Insurance Proof

There are several types of proof of auto insurance in the US, each serving a specific purpose. 

Proof of Insurance TypeDescription
Proof of Insurance CardPhysical card provided by your insurance company. It contains information about your policy, such as your coverage details and policy number.
Digital Proof of InsuranceElectronic proof accessible on a mobile device or app provided by your insurer.
Vehicle RegistrationProof of insurance is often required during vehicle registration.
Proof of CoverageDocument detailing your insurance policy’s coverage, by breaking down the type, limits, deductibles, and any additional information.
SR-22 or FR-44Special forms for high-risk drivers, often with DUI convictions, required by the state.  These forms are typically requested after serious violations or accidents, and they serve as proof that you meet the state’s minimum insurance requirements.
State-Specific Proof of Insurance FormsSome states have their unique insurance forms or requirements. These could include additional documents or variations on the above types to satisfy specific state laws. Always check with your local authorities for any state-specific insurance forms you might need.

Benefits of Having Proof of Insurance on Phone

In addition to the convenience of electronic identification cards, they are valuable time savers for the judicial arm of government, helping reduce time spent by courts addressing tickets issued to drivers who have simply neglected to carry a hard copy of their current insurance card.

Another benefit of electronic identification cards will enable a customer to see their insurance policy 24/7. This will be especially helpful when people are evacuated or suffer a loss following a natural disaster, such as a fire, flood or earthquake.

Legal Considerations for Digital Proof of Insurance

Where is Digital Proof of Insurance Accepted?

As of September 11, 2023, 49 states and the District of Columbia permit drivers to display evidence of insurance coverage with a digital copy of the insurance card. 

The only exception is New Mexico as “in the absence of a clear law that permits e-proof, drivers can face a ticket even if they possess insurance”. However, some police officers say that unless a motorist driver is taking an unreasonable amount of time, they are likely to accept it. In any case, as a backup plan, we recommend you to keep the paper copy in the car as well, this could also be helpful in the event of a car crash where your phone may be damaged (leaving you without a digital ID card).

Potential Penalties for Lack of Insurance Proof

There are different penalties for driving without proof of insurance, however, sometimes they can be dismissed when provided later.

Proof of Insurance TypeStates
Dismissed if proof of insurance is provided laterAlabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming
Fees from $10 to $100 with proofFlorida, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia, Michigan, Washington, Vermont
Fines from $10 to $1,000Wisconsin, South Dakota, Connecticut, New York, Nevada, Montana, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts

How to Get Proof of Insurance on Phone

First, check with your insurance provider to see if they offer a mobile app or digital platform. If they do, you just need to download the app, and log in. 

For those without an app, you can often access your insurance documents through your provider’s website. Otherwise you can make a call to your auto insurance company for them to give you the information, or request them to send it through email.

Get Your Digital Proof of Insurance Today!

Freeway Insurance offers quality insurance at affordable rates. Call (800) 777-5620  or visit us to get a free quote on car insurance. Our experienced agents will work with you to give you a quote based on your needs and budget.

Ready to Get a Quick Quote?

Luciana Barrera
Erandi Garcia
Senior Copywriter

Erandi García is a bilingual senior copywriter at Freeway. Her career has allowed her to explore the world through international publishing houses and marketing agencies. For this reason, she is very interested in writing stories and technical content that speak to cross-cultural audiences in need of insurance.