Car troubles can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This is why roadside assistance programs exist. Even if you have an assistance plan, however, you might not know when to use roadside assistance for your issues on the road. You may just be surprised by how many different ways your plan could help you. Programs like the Freeway Auto Club plan are designed to get you out of worst-case scenarios so you don’t have to let a breakdown ruin your day.
Roadside Assistance: The Value of Being Prepared for Anything
Roadside assistance, also known as breakdown coverage and emergency road support, is a specialty plan designed to help you out when you get stranded on the road. If you have an issue midtrip, you don’t want to be stuck on the shoulder wondering what to do. With breakdown coverage, you’ll have 24/7 access to a variety of helpful services to get you back on the road.
You might be wondering, “How does roadside assistance work with insurance?” Typically, roadside assistance is an add-on to a traditional auto insurance policy. Some providers also offer separate emergency breakdown policies. With an active plan, you can reach out to your insurer to get free or severely discounted emergency services on the side of the road.
So, what does roadside assistance cover, and how does roadside assistance work?
1. Towing Services: When Your Car Won’t Budge
In some situations, a breakdown doesn’t have a quick fix. In that case, your first priority is getting your car off the shoulder and taking it somewhere safe, such as your home or a nearby mechanic. You can call your insurance company to send a tow truck and get your car to safety. Typically, your tow will be completely free as long as it’s within a certain distance. This can come in handy if you break down or if your car is no longer drivable after a car accident.
2. Jump Starts: Reviving a Dead Battery
Sometimes, all you need is a bit of a boost to get back on the road. Your breakdown coverage will send someone out to jumpstart your dead battery. With this handy plan, you won’t have to worry about flagging down a stranger and hoping they have jumper cables. Instead, you’ll get quick, expert service from professionals who care about getting you to your destination.
3. Flat Tire Fixes: Rolling Smooth Again
Getting a flat tire is a quick way to put a damper on any road trip. With an emergency assistance plan, you can completely avoid struggling with a tire iron on the side of the road or searching for videos on how to change a tire. Your insurer can dispatch roadside support to patch up your tire or change it out with a spare. This is especially helpful if you get a flat late at night, in an unfamiliar area, or in an area where it would be difficult for you to change a tire on your own.
4. Lockout Assistance: Keys Inside? No Problem!
If you’re wondering if you really need a roadside assistance plan, think about how expensive and time-consuming it can be to get roadside support when you get locked out. Locksmiths can cost hundreds of dollars, and you may be stuck waiting for a while. With roadside assistance, you can often get your car unlocked quickly at a serious discount — or even for free!
5. Fuel Delivery: Empty Tank Solutions
Running out of gas can be a serious pain, especially if you aren’t close to a gas station. If your car comes to a stop and you realize your tank is empty, you need to be able to fuel up fast. By calling your insurance, you can get a couple of gallons of gas delivered straight to your vehicle. Your emergency replacement fuel will tide you over until you can refill your tank all the way. You won’t even have to leave your car.
6. Winching Service: Stuck No More
Getting your car stuck in the mud or in a ditch can be a stressful experience. If you aren’t able to maneuver out of the situation on your own, your roadside assistance team can lend a helping hand. They’ll use a winch to pull your car out of trouble and guide it back onto the road so you can quickly get on with your day.
7. Minor On-Site Repairs: Quick Fixes on the Go
Breakdowns can occur due to a variety of reasons, from serious mechanical issues to much smaller problems. If your car only needs a minor repair, you can call your emergency breakdown service to come fix up your vehicle on-site. They’ll conduct a quick assessment to see if they’re able to get your car running, then make the repair on the spot. If your vehicle requires more in-depth attention, they can pivot and get you a tow to a nearby mechanic.
8. Extrication Services: Helping You Out of Sticky Situations
Along with winching, roadside assistance teams can offer more advanced extrication services. If your car is really stuck in the snow, mud, or another situation, they’ll deploy all of their resources and services to get you and your car to safety. You’ll quickly learn why roadside assistance is worth the extra cost.
Get Peace of Mind with Freeway’s Auto Club
There are countless scenarios where breakdown coverage can come in handy. If your car breaks down for any reason, you can rely on your emergency roadside plan to come to the rescue. Because there are so many variables that can interfere with your car on the road, it’s helpful to have a versatile plan that can cover a wide range of roadside assistance situations.
Freeway Auto Club is a comprehensive roadside assistance program that can get you out of all sorts of sticky situations. Whether you run out of gas or get locked out of your car, you can count on Freeway Auto Club to help out, day or night. To secure your peace of mind today, visit us online to secure your membership in the Auto Club.