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Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? 

By Rose Carter
October 28, 2024 | 3 min read
Man in black hoodie breaks into car.

Auto coverage is designed to safeguard the value of your vehicle and offer added protection from accidents, but does car insurance cover theft? It depends on the type of policy you have and the type of damages that occurred. After having your car stolen, vandalized, or broken into, it can be expensive to get everything fully repaired and replaced, so it’s important to prepare by signing up for the right policy. 

Steering Through the Basics of Car Theft Coverage 

Does insurance cover a stolen car? Answering this question starts with understanding comprehensive vs. collision insurance and which option covers claims related to stealing. 

Understanding Comprehensive Auto Insurance 

Minimum liability collision policies are designed to help you pay for damages that you cause, so they won’t cover claims related to break-ins or stolen vehicles. If you want to be able to file a claim if your car gets stolen, you’ll need a comprehensive policy. 

Comprehensive coverage is designed to cover damages that aren’t related to a collision. This includes damage related to weather, falling objects, hitting an animal, vandalism, and, of course, theft. However, not all types of car-related larceny are covered. 

What Constitutes “Theft” Under Vehicle Policies? 

When it comes to claims related to stealing, you’re probably wondering — does insurance cover theft from my car, such as someone stealing my wallet out of my glove box? And does insurance cover the theft of my car itself? 

Comprehensive policies will only cover claims related to your actual car or its parts being stolen. If someone steals your tires or catalytic converter, you’ll be able to file a claim. You can get reimbursed if someone steals your entire vehicle. If someone breaks into your car and steals your valuables, however, your comprehensive policy won’t apply to the items that were taken. However, your home insurance or renters insurance policies likely will cover these thefts of personal property. 

Key Ignition Points: Policy Terms and Thefts 

Exploring the basics of your comprehensive policy will ensure you have all the protection you need when it comes to property crime. 

The Fine Print: What Your Plan Covers 

It’s important to review your specific policy, but here’s a breakdown of stealing-related claims most comprehensive plans will cover: 

  • Damage related to attempted theft, such as broken locks or windows 
  • Damage to your car that happened while it was stolen 
  • The replacement cost for your car 
  • Replacements for stolen parts 

Gray Areas in Theft Incidents 

Stolen valuables are one of the tricky details when it comes to comprehensive insurance. Your auto plan won’t cover the items themselves, but it will cover damage to your car. So, if someone smashes your window to steal your laptop from your front seat, your auto insurance won’t pay out for the laptop. However, they would likely pay to replace the window. If you want coverage for your personal belongings, you may be able to file a claim through your renters or homeowners policy. 

Additionally, many plans won’t pay to replace custom or aftermarket parts. You’ll need a separate policy to cover these specialized items. You may also want to get gap insurance if you have a loan on your vehicle, as the market value of some stolen cars may not be enough to pay off the outstanding loan. 

Puzzled young man with backpack, back to camera, looks at his empty parking space where his car used to be.

Navigating Claims Post-Theft 

Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, thieves may target you. Always keep your vehicle locked as a deterrent. If your car is stolen or damaged in an attempted break-in, you need to take a few steps to make a successful claim.  

How To File a Claim When Your Car Is Stolen 

To use your car theft insurance coverage, you’ll need to start by filing a police report. This will also increase the chance of your vehicle being recovered. Once you submit the report, contact your insurer with information about the situation and your police report number. The insurer will then investigate the claim. 

What Happens Next? The Process of Insurance Reimbursement 

Reimbursement for a stolen vehicle can take time, especially because most insurers will wait to see if your vehicle is found. They may reach out with extra questions to finish their investigation. Then, they’ll determine the value of your vehicle and reimburse you for your loss. This amount will not be equal to what you owe. It will be based on what the vehicle might sell for on the open market. 

Prevention Is Better Than a Claim 

Your coverage is there to help if a break-in occurs, but it’s best to ward off potential thieves by learning how to avoid getting your car stolen. Some tips include always locking your car, parking in well-lit areas or a garage and never leaving valuables in plain sight. 

Tips To Deter Thieves and Protect Your Vehicle 

There are many ways you can decrease the chances of someone stealing your vehicle or breaking in. This includes simple behaviors like: 

  • Taking your valuables with you 
  • Never leaving your keys in your vehicle 
  • Rolling up your windows 
  • Locking your doors 
  • Finding a safe, well-lit place to park 

You can make it harder to steal your vehicle with tech tools like: 

  • Steering wheel and brake locks 
  • Alarms and glass break sensors 
  • Remote locks and smart keys 

Investing in Anti-Theft Devices: Does Insurance Offer Discounts? 

Having security devices can decrease the chance of someone trying to steal your vehicle, which decreases your risk level to insurers. As a result, many insurers may give you an anti-theft discount for using these tools. 

Make Sure Your Car Is Covered in Case of Theft With Freeway Auto Insurance 

No one expects their vehicle to be stolen, but it happens all the time. It’s best to be prepared by setting up security devices and getting the right coverage to protect you from the worst-case scenario. When setting up your next policy, make sure you choose comprehensive coverage options that will protect you from thieves. 

At Freeway Insurance, we make it easy to file a claim if you’re dealing with a stolen car or an attempted break-in. Once you have your comprehensive policy in place, you won’t have to worry about getting reimbursed. Sign up for your policy today by heading to your closest Freeway Insurance office, getting an online quote, or calling the team at 800-777-5620

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Luciana Barrera
Rose Carter
Content Strategist and Marketing Leader

Rose Carter is an accomplished content strategist and marketing leader with a proven track record of creating impactful, results-driven content. With expertise in writing, editing, and content marketing, she has successfully led initiatives that drive brand awareness, audience engagement, and revenue growth.