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Can A Dash Cam Video Help Your DUI Case?

By Rose Carter
June 26, 2023 | 3 min read
Car driving in traffic with dash cam mounted on windshield to depict the importance of dash cams and DUI cases

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring our safety on the road has become a top priority. One technological innovation that has gained popularity is dashboard cameras —also known as dash cams. These dashboard-mounted cameras are becoming more and more common in the United States, especially recently due to the controversial stories about police brutality and inquiries into police conduct. 

They serve as our silent witnesses, capturing crucial moments on the road and providing invaluable evidence in various situations. The footage that is captured can sway the verdict by providing a clearer account of the series of events that occur. 

Dash cam footage can also be invaluable when determining fault in accidents or traffic violations. Unfortunately, this same evidence may not be admissible in court due to some loopholes in vehicular related incidents or misdemeanors.

In South Carolina, DUI arrests are to be captured on dash cams, but too often due to some technicalities, the footage is not deemed eligible as evidence. When it’s thrown out, unfortunately the remaining evidence, possibly police testimony, may not be enough to get a drunk driver convicted. It can devolve into a “your word against mine” type of argument, even with some documentation from the police officer.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between dash cams and DUI laws, shedding light on how they can play a pivotal role in DUI cases, and how to use them properly, in order to protect yourself and your vehicle.

Understanding DUI Laws

To comprehend the significance of dash cams in DUI cases, it is essential to have a basic understanding of DUI laws and their implications for drivers.

Definition of DUI

DUI, an acronym for driving under the influence, refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Each state in the US has its own specific laws and limits regarding blood alcohol concentration (BAC), which determine the legality of driving under the influence. It is crucial for drivers to be aware of these limits and the potential consequences they face if found guilty of a DUI charge.

DUI Penalties

DUI penalties vary from state to state and depend on factors such as BAC level, prior convictions, and any resulting accidents or injuries. Common penalties include fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, probation, and even imprisonment. The severity of the penalties increases with repeated offenses and aggravating factors such as high BAC levels or accidents causing bodily harm.

Dash Cam Evidence in DUI Cases

Dash cam footage has emerged as a valuable asset in DUI cases, providing objective and reliable evidence that can support both prosecutors and defense attorneys.

How Dash Cam Footage Can Help Prosecutors

For prosecutors, dash cam footage serves as a powerful tool to establish the sequence of events leading up to a DUI arrest. It can capture crucial moments, such as erratic driving patterns, failure to maintain lanes, or running red lights. This video evidence can bolster the prosecution’s case by demonstrating dangerous driving behavior and establishing probable cause for a traffic stop.

Dash Cam Footage as Defense Evidence

Dash cam footage can also be instrumental in building a defense against DUI charges. For the defense attorney, dash cam video can help challenge the accuracy and reliability of the arresting officer’s observations or provide evidence of a driver’s sobriety. It can show the defendant’s adherence to traffic laws, proper driving behavior, and even document interactions with law enforcement officers during the traffic stop.

Legal Aspects of Dash Cam Use for DUI Cases

While dash cams can be powerful allies in DUI cases, it is important to understand the legal aspects surrounding their use, ensuring compliance with privacy concerns and admissibility of footage in court.

Privacy Concerns

Privacy concerns can arise when using dash cams, especially when capturing footage beyond the scope of the road. It is crucial to use these devices responsibly, focusing primarily on the road and avoiding unnecessary intrusion into the privacy of others.

Admissibility of Dash Cam Footage in Court

The admissibility of dash cam footage as evidence in court varies depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances of the case. However, many courts recognize the value of dash cam evidence in establishing the facts of a DUI case. To ensure admissibility, it is important to follow applicable laws and regulations regarding the operation and use of dash cams, including proper installation, storage of video recordings, and adherence to local privacy laws.

What Makes Dash Cam Footage Un-usable?

It could be something as small as if the suspect steps off camera or if part of their body is cut-off. Though there are sound reasons for requiring full video footage, to require “perfect” footage is to throw the baby out with the bath water in many cases. 

In Russia or South Korea, dash cams are standard in most cars simply because of the sheer volume of people trying to claim they were hit by a car and committing insurance fraud. They are being installed as a protective measure against wrongful accusations, and to prevent losing time and money in false lawsuits.

There are no legal restrictions in the US on using dash cams, however, there are some related issues that you should be aware of. Normally, you are required to let people know that you’re recording them, so privacy laws may be used to accuse you of wiretapping if you record without prior consent. However, in most US states, in public places, such as roads, you have the right to record because invasion of privacy is not really a concern.

Dash cams can act as an insurance policy since it help absolve you of a wrongful charge, and though it doesn’t currently count as an official discount which will help lower your car insurance policy, it can still provide savings by:

  • Providing documentation in car accidents, especially in situations where there isn’t clear liability, it may help you to completely avoid charges or reduce them
  • Record details that could help provide the full circumstances
  • Evidence in hit-and-run accidents
  • Record in-car driver behavior and activity, especially helpful with new or risky drivers because it monitors them and can prevent them from being reckless
  • Help protect you against car insurance fraud

When Dash Cam Footage Can Be Crucial

Dash cam footage can prove critical in capturing specific moments that are crucial in DUI cases, providing invaluable evidence for both prosecutors and defense attorneys.

The footage can bring justice to those who abuse their driving rights and operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol and endanger others, or to also help you clear your name and keep your record clean when you’re being wrongfully accused. 

Consider it an unofficial type of insurance policy that can not only save you money, but also a huge headache if you find yourself in a sticky situation.

Capturing Signs of Intoxication

A dash cam can capture visual cues indicating possible signs of intoxication, such as swerving between lanes, sudden braking, or erratic driving patterns. This footage can be essential in establishing probable cause for a traffic stop and supporting the observations made by arresting officers during the DUI investigation.

Recording Law Enforcement Interaction

Dash cams can document the interaction between law enforcement officers and the driver during a DUI traffic stop. This footage can be used to verify the conduct of both parties, ensuring that proper procedures are followed, and establishing a reliable record of events.

Documenting Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests are often administered during DUI stops to assess a driver’s impairment. Dash cam footage can accurately document the administration of these tests, including the driver’s performance, ensuring transparency and providing essential evidence for evaluation.

Examples of Dash Cam Footage in DUI Cases

Real-life examples demonstrate the impact of dash cam footage in DUI cases, highlighting its ability to provide valuable evidence and protect the rights of both the accused and innocent parties.

Successful Prosecution Based on Dash Cam Evidence

Numerous cases have resulted in successful prosecutions due to dash cam evidence. Footage capturing erratic driving, failure to obey traffic laws, or impaired behavior during field sobriety tests can significantly strengthen the prosecution’s case against a DUI offender.

Dash Cam Footage Saving the Innocent

Dash cam footage has also played a crucial role in exonerating individuals wrongly accused of DUI. By capturing interactions with law enforcement, proper driving behavior, and the absence of impaired actions, dash cams have protected innocent drivers from undeserved penalties.

Tips for Using Dash Cams Properly

To maximize the benefits of dash cams in DUI cases and everyday driving, it is essential to use them correctly and follow best practices.

Best Practices for Recording

  • Position your dash cam in a way that captures a clear view of the road ahead and minimizes obstructions.
  • Regularly check the device’s functionality and ensure the lens remains clean for optimal video quality. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the features and settings of your dash cam to enhance its performance.

Keeping Footage Safe and Secure

To ensure the preservation and accessibility of dash cam footage, regularly back up recordings to a secure location. This step prevents loss of critical evidence and facilitates easy retrieval if needed during legal proceedings or insurance claims.

The Importance of Dash Cams in DUI Cases

In conclusion, dash cams have become essential tools for protecting drivers and their vehicles, particularly in DUI cases. By providing objective and reliable evidence, dash cam footage can strengthen legal defenses and support the prosecution’s case against impaired drivers. 

As an insurance company, we encourage drivers to embrace this technology as a proactive measure to enhance their safety and legal protection on the road. Don’t wait until an incident occurs—take control of your safety and consider investing in a dash cam today.

If you’ve been convicted of DUI, Freeway Insurance can help you find low-cost insurance so you can get back on the road legally. Get a fast and free car insurance quote online today, call us at 800-777-5620 or visit one of our convenient locations.

Note: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The use of dash cams and their legal implications may vary by jurisdiction. Consult with a legal professional familiar with the laws in your area for specific guidance.

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Luciana Barrera
Rose Carter
Content Strategist and Marketing Leader

Rose Carter is an accomplished content strategist and marketing leader with a proven track record of creating impactful, results-driven content. With expertise in writing, editing, and content marketing, she has successfully led initiatives that drive brand awareness, audience engagement, and revenue growth.